Anyone to help with .sls/.sld files? Artyom Bologov (30 Aug 2024 13:29 UTC)
Re: Anyone to help with .sls/.sld files? Amirouche (30 Aug 2024 14:32 UTC)
Re: Anyone to help with .sls/.sld files? Lassi Kortela (30 Aug 2024 15:45 UTC)
Re: Anyone to help with .sls/.sld files? Artyom Bologov (30 Aug 2024 18:27 UTC)
Re: Anyone to help with .sls/.sld files? Lassi Kortela (30 Aug 2024 19:29 UTC)
Re: Anyone to help with .sls/.sld files? Lassi Kortela (30 Aug 2024 20:50 UTC)
Re: Anyone to help with .sls/.sld files? Artyom Bologov (31 Aug 2024 00:03 UTC)
Re: Anyone to help with .sls/.sld files? Retropikzel (31 Aug 2024 14:17 UTC)
Re: Anyone to help with .sls/.sld files? Arthur A. Gleckler (31 Aug 2024 16:02 UTC)

Re: Anyone to help with .sls/.sld files? Artyom Bologov 31 Aug 2024 00:03 UTC

Hi Lassi,

I ended up putting things into one file with lots (not really) of
cond-expand-s (it's not exactly what you suggest, but it's a way too):

But thanks for the suggestions anyway—lots of things to think on and refactor!

Best of luck,
Artyom Bologov