Exceptions and conditions Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe (31 Aug 2024 06:11 UTC)
Re: Exceptions and conditions Artyom Bologov (31 Aug 2024 14:02 UTC)
Re: Exceptions and conditions Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe (31 Aug 2024 19:57 UTC)
Re: Exceptions and conditions Artyom Bologov (31 Aug 2024 22:58 UTC)
Re: Exceptions and conditions Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe (01 Sep 2024 02:51 UTC)
Re: Exceptions and conditions Artyom Bologov (01 Sep 2024 12:34 UTC)

Exceptions and conditions Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe 31 Aug 2024 06:11 UTC

Hi Artyom and the SRFI 253 list,

I haven’t had a chance to review the SRFI in depth yet, but I noticed
that it does not specify (beyond the infamous “it is an error”) what
happens when a type-check fails. This is a problem. There’s little
point in checking values if the implementation can happily ignore
failures—which is allowed in this case, per R7RS semantics.

I strongly suggest that a failed type check should cause an exception
with type &assertion to be raised. (People who know more about R6
than I do may be able to suggest a more specific condition type.) On
systems that don’t have R6RS condition types, the local equivalent
of an assertion violation should occur, or an error that satisfies a
predicate ‘check-error?’ (to be defined by the SRFI) should be raised.
But something should happen, in any case!

Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe  <xxxxxx@sigwinch.xyz>