Hey all,
I noticed that SRFI 253 has passed its expiry date (listed as 60-day
deadline: 2024-10-12), but draft 8 was posted only recently.
It doesn't look like it is stalled, but I wanted to express support for
the SRFI, as it is a very good step in the right direction. I don't know
exactly what the current blockers are, but SRFI 253 is more or less the
final missing piece in some of my own libraries (that are currently
CHICKEN only) that stops them from being more-or-less fully portable
R7RS libraries.
- https://gitlab.com/ThatGeoGuy/chicken-transducers
- https://gitlab.com/ThatGeoGuy/chicken-generalized-arrays
In any case, thanks for going through this effort. I feel like I don't
particularly care about rest argument support myself, and I think it's
probably okay to not worry about (at least as a CHICKEN user, I don't
see it as too much of a limitation).
I also don't really understand the implications of making check-arg a
procedure. I can see a lot of prior art leans towards this because it is
easier to write as a procedure, but a macro should be fine from what I
can tell.
Overall, I don't have much useful feedback other than what has already
been discussed, and I am happy to help package / maintain a fork of the
sample implementation for CHICKEN if/when that is needed.
Jeremy Steward