Re: New draft (#8) and last call for comments on SRFI 255: Restarting conditions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (03 Dec 2024 10:17 UTC)

Re: New draft (#8) and last call for comments on SRFI 255: Restarting conditions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen 03 Dec 2024 10:17 UTC

Am Di., 3. Dez. 2024 um 06:36 Uhr schrieb Arthur A. Gleckler
> I've just published draft #8 of SRFI 255. It was submitted by Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe, author of the SRFI.
> Here are Wolfgang's comments on the draft:
> I've generalized interactor procedures to take a condition object, rather than a list of restarters (as they do in SRFI 249). This gives interactors access to the condition raised by the triggering exception, which may include important information (e.g. message, who, and irritants data). In the old model, this information was filtered out. Thanks to Arthur A. Gleckler for pointing out this limitation.

This wasn't meant as a limitation in the previous model but was
modelling an abstraction barrier. If parts of the condition object are
relevant for the interactor, that part of the code that packages the
restarters (and which has access to the conditions) should package
what's needed to know about the conditions in the restarter closures.

I suggest not to finalise SRFI 255 (but to leave it into a draft state
for the moment). As has already been pointed out, in its current form,
SRFI 255 will probably not ship with any implementation or standard
(because it is still not fully understood what works in practice and
the ideas are obviously still in flux). A final SRFI should be a
request to "incorporate it as a standard feature in Scheme
implementations". I would take this seriously.
