Re: Error in the SRFI-30 formal specification
Albumen Petrofsky 21 Jan 2003 03:30 UTC
I was saying:
> <comment> ---> ; <all subsequent characters up to a line break>
> | <srfi-30-comment>
> <srfi-30-comment> ---> #| <srfi-30-comment-constituent>* |* |#
> <srfi-30-comment-constituent> ---> #* <srfi-30-ordinary-char>
> | |* <srfi-30-ordinary-char>
> | #* <srfi-30-comment>
> <srfi-30-ordinary-char> ---> <any character but # or |>
I thought I had included the following simple recursive implementation
with that message, but I realize now I left it out. Here it is:
;; Reads the rest of a srfi-30 comment after the initial sharp and bar.
(define (read-rest-of-srfi-30-comment)
(let ((c (read-char)))
(if (eof-object? c) (error "EOF inside a srfi-30 comment"))
(case c
(case (peek-char)
((#\#) (read-char))
(else (read-rest-of-srfi-30-comment))))
(case (peek-char)
((#\|) (read-char) (read-rest-of-srfi-30-comment)))
(else (read-rest-of-srfi-30-comment)))))