Re: Param ordering; < and <= felix (22 Jul 2002 18:45 UTC)
Almost OT, < and <= Ben Goetter (in the field) (22 Jul 2002 20:06 UTC)
Re: Almost OT, < and <= David Feuer (22 Jul 2002 22:21 UTC)
RE: Almost OT, < and <= Ben Goetter (in the field) (23 Jul 2002 09:25 UTC)
RE: Almost OT, < and <= David Feuer (23 Jul 2002 14:28 UTC)
Re: Almost OT, < and <= felix (23 Jul 2002 07:30 UTC)
RE: Almost OT, < and <= Ben Goetter (in the field) (23 Jul 2002 08:27 UTC)
Re: Almost OT, < and <= Marc Feeley (25 Jul 2002 23:43 UTC)
RE: Almost OT, < and <= Ben Goetter (26 Jul 2002 02:47 UTC)

RE: Almost OT, < and <= Ben Goetter (in the field) 23 Jul 2002 09:30 UTC

> > Beyond cycle counting, I see op< as more primitive than op<=: one
> > establishes order, while the other allows for equivalence.

> I see what you mean, I guess,
> but I don't see why this "primitiveness" is a good thing.

I think of op< as the fundamental ordering relation: "Does x precede y?"
Looks semantically cleaner to me to specify SORT's behavior in terms of
this primitive rather than the hybrid op<= ("Does x precede or equal y?"
or "Does y not precede x?").  It's essentially part of the type
declaration for the domain of the SORT.

> Does it make sense to sort sets that are not partially ordered?

Oh!  That must be where you and Olin are coming from.  You see the SORT
predicate as a partial order on the domain of the SORT, and so op<= as
the fundamental relation.