Steck's comments shivers@xxxxxx 25 Jul 2002 01:06 UTC

   I've just read through the SRFI-32 draft and scanned the archive of the
   email discussion list.

Great review, Steck. Thank you very much!

   Maybe I'm near-sighted, but where is the reference implementation?
   David Feuer asked the same question on the discussion list, and I didn't
   see a response.

I think I responded. I haven't released the ref implementation. I still
need to clean up one of the routines, and I have been putting my SRFI
time into the discussion & spec.

     - "an SRFI" -> "a SRFI" (? depends on how you pronounce "SRFI" :-))

     - in the snippet of code that follows "The definition is rather
   different, given a <= comparator:", you should transpose `x' and `y' for
   one of the arguments to `and'

     - in the section on types of parameters and return values, it uses the
   word "unspecified"; in the descriptions of procedures, this mutates to

     - `list-merge!' is described as "iterative, not recursive".  Hmmm,
   that's a bit confusing to me -- I'd just write "iterative".

All fixed.

     - under `sort-lib', in the type for `vector-delete-neighbor-dups!',
   the return value is named end'.  Hmmm, I'd avoid using a quote there,
   and name it end2.  This name is used a couple of other places, I think.

I kinda like END'.

     - in the description of START and END, `v' is lower-case in
   (vector-length v), then upper-case in `where V ...'.  But this text may
   be redundant, since the same setup is already described in the section
   "All vector operations accept optional subrange parameters".

     - there is a general inconsistency in the capitalization of procedure
   names, or maybe I don't understand why they're in upper-case in certain
   places, and lower-case in others

I need to make a pass to make capitalisation consistent.

     - in the type for `vector-merge!', the first optional argument is
   given as `start', but later mentioned as `START0' (inconsistent
   capitalization? as well as the `0')

I replaced START0/END0 with START/END uniformly.

     - I don't understand the comment on "Pure list merge sort" that begins
   "and possibly better ..." and what the "above" refers to.

I changed "better" to "O(n)," producing
    Stable and fast -- O(n lg n) worst-case, and possibly O(n), depending
    upon the input list (see above).
"Above" means the three paragraphs *immediately above*.

     - it's stated that the `LIST-SORTED?' function *will* return false
   given a <= comparator and a list with adjacent equal elements.  I think
   that depends on the semantics of `LIST-SORTED?' (the intended semantics
   is described later in the SRFI).  Maybe "may" is a better word choice
   here, before the reader has seen that semantics.

No, the semantics is fixed, so "may" isn't the right word. It *will*.
Maybe I should reorder the text.

     - after a lengthy discussion of why < is better than <=, there's a
   reference to Common Lisp's similar choice.  I'd put that before your own
   explanation, and say something like "While I don't know CL's reasons for
   that choice, here are my own."

I don't really *have* any good reasons for using <, other than it is the
common practice. That section *doesn't* say one is better than the other,
just that they are quite different, and what the implications of that
difference are.

    - `vector-delete-neighbor-dups{!}' is described twice, as part of
   sortlib and delndup-lib.  Also, the description that it implements a
   linear-time algorithm appears twice (well, the second time, that also
   applies to the list deletion procedures).

Yeah, I know, and you are correct to push me to do something about this
redundancy. I will reflect on this.

   A more substantive comment:

     - I don't understand why there are four vector sort libraries.
   Presumably, there's not a lot of code there.  Couldn't they go into just
   one library?

I don't see why you should have to link in six different sort libraries
just to get heapsort.

   On the order of arguments issue: I'd be in favor of putting the
   procedure argument in front of list/vector data, uniformly.  If this
   SRFI is widely-adopted, most of the procedure names will be new in most
   implementations.  So you may as well do the right thing now, rather than
   have to live with a bad decision for years to come.  It also helps to
   distinguish Scheme from C, whose quicksort() puts the comparator last.

This seems to be the consensus, to my pleasant surprise. I'm waiting to
hear from a few more implementors.

   I hope you find these comments useful.

Very. Thanks. May I forward your msg to the SRFI mailing list / archive?