Re: Param ordering; < and <= felix (22 Jul 2002 18:45 UTC)
Almost OT, < and <= Ben Goetter (in the field) (22 Jul 2002 20:06 UTC)
Re: Almost OT, < and <= David Feuer (22 Jul 2002 22:21 UTC)
RE: Almost OT, < and <= Ben Goetter (in the field) (23 Jul 2002 09:25 UTC)
RE: Almost OT, < and <= David Feuer (23 Jul 2002 14:28 UTC)
Re: Almost OT, < and <= felix (23 Jul 2002 07:30 UTC)
RE: Almost OT, < and <= Ben Goetter (in the field) (23 Jul 2002 08:27 UTC)
Re: Almost OT, < and <= Marc Feeley (25 Jul 2002 23:43 UTC)
RE: Almost OT, < and <= Ben Goetter (26 Jul 2002 02:47 UTC)

Re: Almost OT, < and <= Marc Feeley 25 Jul 2002 23:42 UTC

> MIPS is different, not using condition codes.  The only pure-comparison
> MIPS operation is <.  (Not <=, not >.)  Anything else you'd have to
> synthesize with a subtraction.
> Beyond cycle counting, I see op< as more primitive than op<=: one
> establishes order, while the other allows for equivalence.  I would
> prefer a SORT which lets me use the most primitive predicate possible.
> On many platforms it won't matter; but on some, it may.
> Enough from me, already.  Let's hear from some other voices.
> Ben
> (P.S. I lied.  One more from me.  Wouldn't using op<= instead of op<
> complicate the implementation of STABLE-SORT? )

But wait a second, isn't

  (< a b) = (not (>= a b)) = (not (<= b a))

at least on integers?

So both < and <= are the **same** machine instruction, except you have
to flip the arguments, and change the destination label, but this has no
run time "cost"...
