Srfi-32 for Bigloo Will M. Farr 30 Sep 2005 17:39 UTC

Hello all,

For my work with Bigloo, I needed a fast vector sorting routine that
didn't allocate any new space.  It seemed a little silly to write one
of my own when I could just take the code from the withdrawn SRFI-32
and port it to Bigloo, so I did.  But, then it seemed silly not to make
that available to everyone else, so have a look at

It's a bigloo library which implements the SRFI-32 interface.

I hope no one minds that I did this; the code requests implementors to
wait for a few weeks until it gets cleaned up, but this was in 2003.

A big thank-you to Olin Shivers for writing the code, even if it didn't
quite make it to final status!
