NAND & NOR now n-ary; Bug in BITWISE-EQV? implementation shivers@xxxxxx (21 Jul 2002 17:14 UTC)
Re: NAND & NOR now n-ary; Bug in BITWISE-EQV? implementation Aladdin Petrofsky (21 Jul 2002 19:09 UTC)

NAND & NOR now n-ary; Bug in BITWISE-EQV? implementation shivers@xxxxxx 21 Jul 2002 17:14 UTC

I went ahead & changed nand & nor to be n-ary, as Marc suggested.

I also discovered a bug in the spec for n-ary eqv. This is true:
  (eqv i j) = (not (xor i j))
But it does not generalise to the n-ary case. That is, it is *NOT TRUE* that
  (eqv i ...)  =  (not (xor i ...))

This buggy n-ary definition appears in the spec and the implementation of
n-ary eqv. Here is the bogus definition from the reference implementation:

  (define (bitwise-eqv . args) (bitwise-not (apply bitwise-xor args)))

Nope. To use the not-xor definition, you must fold it across the args;
you can't save the not operation until the very end. So this is correct:

  (define (bitwise-eqv . args)
    (reduce (lambda (a b) (bitwise-not (bitwise-xor a b)))
	    -1 args))

or, sticking to the R5RS core:

(define (bitwise-eqv . args)
  (let lp ((args args) (ans -1))
    (if (pair? args)
        (lp (cdr args) (bitwise-not (bitwise-xor ans (car args))))

I have changed the SRFI accordingly. The new draft is at
and will propagate out to the standard url
in the hands of esteemed editor Solsona in the near future.

If anyone knows of a simpler n-ary definition of eqv that could
be simply expressed in terms of n-ary primitives like and, or and
xor, I would like to see it.