Error in reference implementation detected by bigloo
Sven Hartrumpf 18 Jan 2011 08:13 UTC
Dear users of SRFI-38.
The new type analysis in bigloo (upcoming 3.6a) has detected an error in the
reference implementation, almost 8 years after its publication:
(if (char? (car first-token))
(case (car first-token)
((#\() (read-list-tail))
((#\#) (list->vector (read-list-tail)))
((#\. #\)) (error (string-append "Unexpected \"" first-token "\"")))
"first-token" in the last line should be "(string (car first-token))".
I am disappointed by Scheme compilers A, B, ... that they have not detected it earlier -
no, not really:
I am impressed that compilers are still improving for Scheme!