A bug in the reference implementation
Shiro Kawai 18 Nov 2005 10:48 UTC
The current reference implementation seems to have a bug in
stream-filter. Currently it is implemented as follows:
;; STREAM-FILTER pred? stream -- new stream including only items passing pred?
(define (stream-filter pred? strm)
(cond ((not (procedure? pred?)) (stream-error "non-functional argument to stream-filter"))
((not (stream? strm)) (stream-error "attempt to apply stream-filter to non-stream"))
(else (stream-unfoldn
(lambda (s)
(stream-cdr s)
(cond ((stream-null? s) '())
((pred? (stream-car s)) (list (stream-car s)))
(else #f))))
The closure passed to stream-unfoldn doesn't check whether
's' is stream-null before taking stream-cdr of it, so it
signals an error if you attempt to read the end of the
stream created by stream-filter. You can see it by
evaluating this expression:
(stream-null? (stream-filter values (stream)))
A possible fix is to replace the closure for something like this:
(lambda (s)
((stream-null? s)
(values stream-null '()))
((pred? (stream-car s))
(values (stream-cdr s) (list (stream-car s))))
(values (stream-cdr s) #f))))