Re: Problems with SRFI document
Michael Sperber 11 Sep 2004 10:40 UTC
>>>>> "Gordon" == Gordon Weakliem <> writes:
Gordon> This is a really nice SRFI, thanks to all who worked on it.
Gordon> I've found a couple of issues with the SRFI document:
Gordon> 1) There's an error in the definition of cutoff1 under the
Gordon> rationale section, it refers to "cutoff" instead of
Gordon> recursively calling cutoff1
Gordon> 2) The implementation section is empty. I realize that the
Gordon> reference implementation is available in the
Gordon> pre-finalization archive, but it looks like it was omitted
Gordon> from the SRFI document.
Good points, both. Fixed. Thanks for the note!
Cheers =8-} Mike
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