Library of functions for manipulating streams
Alejandro Forero Cuervo 14 Sep 2004 03:15 UTC
I am using streams in quite a few programs already. One of them,
svnwiki, uses them for a subversion-based wiki program, which you
can see running at:
Strings are represented as streams of character everywhere in
this program (and many others I'm writing). In order to do this,
I wrote a set of higher-level functions for manipulating streams.
Some of them are specific to streams of characters but most are
I have written this library to work in Chicken Scheme, the
implementation I'm most familiar with. However, most of the
functions should be easy to port to other implementations
(actually most should work out-of-the-box). The documentation is
available at:
The source code is in the public domain. You can download it at:
I understand that srfi-41 was reserved for a library of higher
level functions for manipulating streams. However, Googling for
srfi-41 turns out no useful results. Are there other existing
libraries for manipulating streams? If there is interest,
I could create a draft to serve as srfi-41 based on the
documentation of my library (probably removing a few non-portable
functions such as stream-grep).
I don't want to have to change my programs if the standard
interface adopted for higher-level manipulation of streams is
incompatible with my library. If I have to do this, the sooner
the better.
The interface for the functions in my library is designed to be
as coherent as possible with that of the functions in srfi-1 and
r5rs, replacing ``list-'' with ``stream-'' in their names (or,
sometimes, just prefixing them with ``stream-''). The order of
the arguments is preserved most (all?) of the times. I,
however, did add a few functions, such as stream-butlast-n or
stream-last-n, that have no direct list-based equivalent in
srfi-1 (nor r5rs).
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