Re: Problems with SRFI document
Alexander Thiel 05 Jan 2005 09:03 UTC
David Van Horn <> writes:
> I've checked in changes to address both of these issues. Please
> let me know if any other problems exist with the reference
> implementation.
> David
Hello David,
actually there is another problem with the reference
implementation. With the code from downloaded on January
5th, 2005 I get the following error:
> mzscheme -L srfi --load srfi-40-ref.scm
Welcome to MzScheme version 208, Copyright (c) 2004 PLT Scheme, Inc.
> (stream-car (stream 1 2 3))
car: expects argument of type <pair>; given lazy
The problem is in the definition of stream-low-level-force which for
the chosen implementation of a promise I believe should read:
(define (stream-low-level-force promise)
(case (car promise)
((eager) (cdr promise))
((lazy) (let ((promise* (stream-promise ((cdr promise)))))
(if (not (eqv? (car promise*) 'eager))
(begin (set-car! promise (car promise*))
(set-cdr! promise (cdr promise*))
(set-car! promise* promise)))
(stream-low-level-force promise)))))