stream-partition is not incremental Stephen McCracken (12 Mar 2003 02:31 UTC)
Re: stream-partition is not incremental Allergies Petrofsky (12 Mar 2003 03:44 UTC)

stream-partition is not incremental Stephen McCracken 12 Mar 2003 02:31 UTC

I hope this comment is still relevant, as I joined the
discussion rather late.  It intersects somewhat with
the discussions on space retention and stream-unfoldn.

The reference implementation of stream-partition
appears to evaluate the entire stream before returning
any results.  As such, it has no advantages over a
function that operates on lists.

;; Obvious quick fix:  This tests each element twice,
;; and it may have problems with space retention.
(define (stream-partition pred? strm)
    (stream-filter pred? strm)
    (stream-filter (lambda (x) (not (pred? x)))

It might be possible to write a stream-partition that
was incremental but still tested each element only
once.  However, I think it would require explicit
shared state between the two result streams.

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