On Tuesday, April 15, 2003, at 01:35 AM, Sergei Egorov wrote:
> I'd rather cut it to one third, but then Olin will come out of
> his lair and add the rest and then some :)
> The question is not whether LIST->VECTOR and VECTOR->LIST are
> actually used in the implementation, but whether vector-specific
> algorithms
> you propose are better than just list operations followed by a
> conversion
> or the same operations on lists with no conversion at all. Did you
> turn any
> SRFI-1 algorithms into something more effective (from linear- to
> constant-time,
> from quadratic to linear etc.)?
Oh, I see what you mean. (I missed the 'the performance is the same
as' bit)
In that case, I'm not really sure...it's been a while since I wrote the
implementation, and my memory isn't that great.
> For example, both vector search and list search are linear by number of
> elements.
> This means that there is no big insentive to use vectors if what you
> want is
> linear search. On the other hand, you can sort vectors and use binary
> search: this is where vectors are much more effective. Thus, I would
> expect vector SRFI to include BINARY-SEARCH and SORT! operations
> (real benefits), but can easily do without linear search (writing one
> more
> DO loop is no big deal).
I deliberately avoided writing anything involving sorting vectors,
since SRFI 32
will provide that. However, I may later include a VECTOR-BINARY-SEARCH
-- it
merely didn't occur to me to do so previously.
> Can you give me any pointers to drafts or notes on his project?
I'm in the process of writing the reference implementation.
> Turns N-ary procedure into M-ary (M < K) by "fixing" or "binding"
> values of some arguments.
Hmm. Could you show me a definition of it, or an example of using it?
> I wrote a draft myself long ago, but had no time to finish it. May be
> this
> discussion will move it up on my priority list...
I'd love to see it. Where can I find a copy?
> I guess it is fine too.
> By the way, you forgot to mention VECTOR-COPY!'s behavior in case of
> intra-vector copy (target and vec are the same). Does it copy to the
> left,
> to the right, or does it chose the "correct" direction automatically?
If they are the same in terms of EQ?, or EQUAL? ? I assume the former.
> True, but this somehow ligitimizes restrictive implementations.
> I just consider them broken :)
Unfortunately, some of the major ones, like CHICKEN, have this sort of
restriction. But if you insist upon having VECTOR-APPEND instead of
VECTOR-CONCATENATE[*] (please, someone: think up a better name than
VECTOR-CONCATENATE*), then I'll agree.
> Which everybody can easily define by composition (especially when
> given a suitable high-order primitive).
OK, then, show me your functional-ish SRFI thing!
> More, if you take this road,
> nothing prevents you from making VECTOR-APPEND-REVERSE,
> VECTOR-REVERSE-CONCATENATE and dozens of others.
No, that's the C++ road, where you continue to add whatever you can
think of, even if it could never be useful in any situation whatsoëver.
Of course, at first, I shamefully admit that this was the road taken,
but I did
certainly intend to make great cuts to the thing.
> Personally, I dislike REDUCEs because while giving you certain
> performance benefits in some imaginary cases (the dreadful database
> queries!),
> they allow you to "cheat" (or make an honest mistake) by giving an
> inconsistent
> KONS/ RIDENTITY pair. Try to copy a list with REDUCE and you will
> see that it's not only a performance hack - it is a *broken*
> performance
> hack!
Very well -- no VECTOR-REDUCE[-RIGHT].
> On the second thought, NO, unfolds are not very useful (no benefits
> for vectors).
> Just compositions with VECTOR-COPY...
> Yes, with start and end; When there is only one vector argument,
> they are easy to remember.
Good, good.
> That's your only option if you don't want to reallocate the vector
> for performance reasons, but can afford the loss of some "old"
> elements. Some "history" stacks, circular buffers of fixed size etc.
> work this way.
OK, I was just wondering if you had found them useful ever.
> Start and End arguments are trouble... I'd prefer to have abstract
> operations
> that can work with "windows" over sequences as first-class objects.
> I don't care much about operations taking any number of vectors, except
> for the cases where people may expect them (MAP, FOR-EACH).
What about other cases like VECTOR-FOLD[-RIGHT], VECTOR=, et cetera?
(and that's another thing: should there be vector comparisons in this
SRFI? -- and, if so, I don't like the name VECTOR= -- I'd personally
VECTOR-EQUAL? or VECTOR=? or something. Has anyone else an opinion on