Re: Reasons for withdrawal
Tom Lord 29 Oct 2003 03:14 UTC
> From: Taylor Campbell <>
> Would you rather that we define sixteen concrete collection
> SRFIs all with their own inconsistent interfaces, withdraw them
> all to write a collection interface SRFI, breaking any code
> written with them, only to rewrite them _again_ with a new
> collection SRFI?
I'd rather that you write the concrete srfis, give them consistent
interfaces by your own good grace, write some srfis to support generic
functions, and _then_ write a generic collections interface.
Do you play pool? A favorable reading of 44 is that you've "called
your shot". In this case, it's more like "called your next 4 shots".
Ok, noted. But calling a shot ain't a shot -- ain't a srfi. The
game isn't the shots you call, it's the shots you make.
You're doing things out of order. A not bad place to _start_ would be
to _first_ have srfis that let you kill the "Issues" section of 44.
> Please show us the correct place to submit meta-SRFIs, then.