On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 04:12:54PM +0200, xxxxxx@fernuni-hagen.de wrote:
> On 6 Oct 2003, xxxxxx@freenetproject.org wrote:
> > I've submitted the last draft of SRFI-44. It fixes a lot of typos and
> > clarifies some wording, as well as adds set operations
> > (intersection,union,difference, add/remove from a bag). If this draft
> > is acceptable, I'd like to finalize the SRFI sometime this week.
> > Comments, please!
> Three minor points:
> 1.
> "Ordered Collections"
> The following would be a helpful function (encapsulating (make-%) and making
> available (*-order) the order):
I've added *-ordering-function and *-equivalence-function (the later for
bags, sequences and dictionaries). Taylor, can you add these to the
reference implementation? For collections that don't have an
equivalence function, you should just return the default (ie eqv?).
I've corrected all the numerous typos you posted. Thanks very much.
The new draft is at http://sgmiller.org/code/srfi-44.html, and I'm
sending it to the editors.