Reentrancy-detecting, faster implementation
Andre van Tonder 19 Oct 2006 21:50 UTC
Here is another safe-for-space version of srfi-45 promises that detects
reentrant promises and should be faster.
It follows closely the description of the G-machine handling of tail calls
(enhanced with black holes) in the reference:
Richard Jones - "Tail recursion without space leaks"
This implementation has the following advantages over the previous
implementations that were based on naive graph reduction:
- It is faster (for a given data representation), since the root node is not
overwritten on each iteration, but only after the final promise in a lazy
chain is forced.
- Reentrant promises are detected early and a runtime exception is raised for
This second property is not consistent with r5rs, but it is IMO a very useful
feature. Here is a simple example where it raises an exception:
(let ((p (delay (force p))))
(force p)) ==> Error: reentrant promise
;; <promise> ::= (lazy . <thunk of promise>) (delayed promise)
;; | (value . <object>) (forced promise)
;; | (shared . <promise>) (shared promise)
;; | (hole . #f) (black-holed promise)
(define-syntax lazy
(syntax-rules ()
((lazy exp) (cons 'lazy (lambda () exp)))))
(define-syntax delay
(syntax-rules ()
((delay exp) (lazy (cons 'value exp)))))
(define (force root-node)
(define (dispatch node)
(let ((type (car node))
(content (cdr node)))
(set-car! node 'shared) ; maintain any sharing by
(set-cdr! node root-node) ; pointing back to root
(case type
((lazy) (dispatch (content)))
((value) (set-car! root-node 'value) ; overwrite root at end
(set-cdr! root-node content)
((shared) (dispatch content))
(else (error "Invalid promise")))))
(case (car root-node)
((lazy) (let ((thunk (cdr root-node)))
(set-car! root-node 'hole) ; blackhole root note so that
(set-cdr! root-node #f) ; we do not hold on to chain
(dispatch (thunk))))
((value) (cdr root-node))
((shared) (force (cdr root-node)))
((hole) (error "Reentrant promise"))
(else (error "Invalid promise"))))