Re: Bug fix Andre van Tonder (12 Jun 2004 01:50 UTC)
Re: Bug fix
Matthias Radestock
(12 Jun 2004 07:21 UTC)
Re: Bug fix
Andre van Tonder
(12 Jun 2004 15:07 UTC)
Thank you to Alexandro and John for pointing out the bugs in the implementation. I have fixed them and included the suggested extra tests in the update below. Best regards Andre ;===================================================================== ; Boxes (define (box x) (list x)) (define unbox car) (define set-box! set-car!) ;========================================================== ; Primitives for lazy evaluation: (define-syntax lazy (syntax-rules () ((lazy exp) (box (box (cons 'lazy (lambda () exp))))))) (define (eager x) (box (box (cons 'eager x)))) (define-syntax delay (syntax-rules () ((delay exp) (lazy (eager exp))))) (define (force promise) (let ((content (unbox (unbox promise)))) (case (car content) ((eager) (cdr content)) ((lazy) (let* ((promise* ((cdr content))) (content (unbox (unbox promise)))) (when (not (eqv? (car content) 'eager)) ; for reentrancy test 3 (set-box! (unbox promise) (unbox (unbox promise*))) (set-box! promise* (unbox promise))) (force promise)))))) ;============================================================ ; BENCHMARKS: ;============================================================ ;============================================================ ; Memoization test 1: (define s (delay (begin (display 'hello) 1))) (force s) (force s) ;===> Should display 'hello once ;============================================================ ; Memoization test 2: (let ((s (delay (begin (display 'bonjour) 2)))) (+ (force s) (force s))) ;===> Should display 'bonjour once ;============================================================ ; Memoization test 3: (pointed out by Alejandro Forero Cuervo) (define s (delay (begin (display 'hi) 1))) (define t (lazy s)) (force t) (force s) ;===> Should display 'hi once ;============================================================ ; Memoization test 4: Stream memoization (define (stream-drop s index) (lazy (if (zero? index) s (stream-drop (cdr (force s)) (- index 1))))) (define (from n) (delay (begin (display 'ho) (cons n (from (+ n 1)))))) (define s (from 0)) (car (force (stream-drop s 4))) (car (force (stream-drop s 4))) ;===> Should display 'ho five times ;============================================================= ; Reentrancy test 1: from R5RS (define count 0) (define p (delay (begin (set! count (+ count 1)) (if (> count x) count (force p))))) (define x 5) (force p) ;===> 6 (set! x 10) (force p) ;===> 6 ;=========================================================== ; Reentrancy test 2: from SRFI 40 (define f (let ((first? #t)) (delay (if first? (begin (set! first? #f) (force f)) 'second)))) (force f) ;===> 'second ;=========================================================== ; Reentrancy test 3: due to John Shutt (define q (let ((count 5)) (define (get-count) count) (define p (delay (if (<= count 0) count (begin (set! count (- count 1)) (force p) (set! count (+ count 2)) count)))) (list get-count p))) (define get-count (car q)) (define p (cadr q)) (get-count) ; => 5 (force p) ; => 0 (get-count) ; => 10 ;============================================================= ; Test leaks: All the leak tests should run in bounded space. ;============================================================ ; Leak test 1: Infinite loop in bounded space. (define (loop) (lazy (loop))) ;(force (loop)) ;============================================================ ; Leak test 2: Pending memos should not accumulate ; in shared structures. (define s (loop)) ;(force s) ;============================================================ ; Leak test 3: Safely traversing infinite stream. (define (from n) (delay (cons n (from (+ n 1))))) (define (traverse s) (lazy (traverse (cdr (force s))))) ;(force (traverse (from 0))) ;============================================================ ; Leak test 4: Safely traversing infinite stream ; while pointer to head of result exists. (define s (traverse (from 0))) ;(force s) ;========================================================================= ; Convenient list deconstructor. (define-syntax match (syntax-rules () ((match exp (() exp1) ((h . t) exp2)) (let ((lst exp)) (cond ((null? lst) exp1) ((pair? lst) (let ((h (car lst)) (t (cdr lst))) exp2)) (else 'match-error)))))) ;============================================================== (define (stream-filter p? s) (lazy (match (force s) (() (delay '())) ((h . t) (if (p? h) (delay (cons h (stream-filter p? t))) (stream-filter p? t)))))) ;============================================================ ; Leak test 5: Naive stream-filter should run in bounded space. ; Simplest case. ;(force (stream-filter (lambda (n) (= n 10000000000)) ; (from 0))) ; The stream-ref procedure below does not strictly need to be lazy. ; It is defined lazy for the purpose of testing safe compostion of lazy procedures in ; the times3 benchmark below (previous candidate solutions had failed this). (define (stream-ref s index) (lazy (match (force s) (() 'error) ((h . t) (if (zero? index) (delay h) (stream-ref t (- index 1))))))) ; Check that evenness is correctly implemented - should terminate: (force (stream-ref (stream-filter zero? (from 0)) 0)) ;============================================================ ; Leak test 6: Another long traversal should run in bounded space. (define s (stream-ref (from 0) 100000000)) ;(force s) (define (times3 n) (stream-ref (stream-filter (lambda (x) (zero? (modulo x n))) (from 0)) 3)) ;============================================================ ; Leak test 7: Infamous example from SRFI 40. (force (times3 7)) ;(force (times3 100000000))