On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 2:51 AM, Donald Allen <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

I've been doing this long enough to understand that even mature code
can have bugs. It's just the nature and quantity of the issues with
srfi-48 that trouble me. I was intending to use this for generating a
report that I rely on for assisting me in managing my finances,
because I prefer working in Scheme. But it's hard to justify that now.

There are a few more corner cases, such as numbers that print
with scientific notation, but it's not too late to collect your examples
plus some more to make a test suite and fix any remaining bugs.

You may also be interested in SRFI 159, where your initial example

  (show #f "Framingham Mass Muni Purpose Loan & "
    (with ((precision 2)) .997554209949891) "\\%\\\\\n")

This code is fairly mature, based on the portable fmt library which
has been tested on a variety of implementations.

At any rate, feedback on the SRFI would be appreciated :)
