Meta-test suite
Donovan Kolbly
(09 Mar 2005 17:54 UTC)
Re: Meta-test suite
Per Bothner
(09 Mar 2005 19:19 UTC)
Re: Meta-test suite Donovan Kolbly (09 Mar 2005 20:19 UTC)
Re: Meta-test suite
Per Bothner
(09 Mar 2005 20:39 UTC)
Re: Meta-test suite
Donovan Kolbly
(09 Mar 2005 21:21 UTC)
Re: Meta-test suite
Per Bothner
(09 Mar 2005 21:39 UTC)
Counting [was Re: Meta-test suite]
Donovan Kolbly
(10 Mar 2005 15:02 UTC)
Re: Meta-test suite
Per Bothner
(09 Mar 2005 20:41 UTC)
Re: Meta-test suite
Donovan Kolbly
(09 Mar 2005 20:54 UTC)
On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Per Bothner wrote: > Donovan Kolbly wrote: > > I've started working on a meta-test suite for SRFI-64. > > Cool! It would be nice to incorporate such a test into SRFI-64 itself, > if you agree. That would be great by me. I've always thought that test suites should be a standard part of SRFIs, and now, with SRFI-64, we have the foundation to start doing so. What better place to start? > > I'm really overloaded with various things, but I'll try it out asap. That'd be cool, if you get a chance. The latest one tickles some ambiguities in the spec, too. > > I'd alse like to see the test-runner you used to generate the web page. > Is that portable? I assume it should be possible to make a portable > version, by just display-ing html directly. (I can see the line > number links might not be portable.) If so, it might be nice > to also make that available from the SRFI document, at some point. It's not portable at all, although that would be nice. Currently, it's generated in two steps. I have a test-runner which generates an XML summary (using SXML internally and then writing out XML) [source code: <>] and then the web server converts it into HTML on the fly (again, mostly SXML crunching, but there also using RScheme's xpath facility). As you say, the line-number stuff is highly non-portable (I even had to drop a quick hack in RScheme to get the line # that a form *ends* on), but the runner in theory could just extract that using the test results alist. More crucially, there does not seem to be any way for a portable runner to keep track of the nesting of test suites. I'm not sure yet what to suggest for SRFI-64 to track suite nesting, but something along the lines of a `test-runner-on-suite-begin!' and `test-runner-on-suite-end!' would probably do it (*). In my implementation, the default runner keeps track of all results all the time, complete with nesting structure, and so when I'm dumping the results it's easy to walk the test-result tree using my internal data structure. [*] do you want to call these things "suites" or "groups"? The terminology seems to vary from place to place, or am I still missing something.... -- -- Donovan Kolbly ( (