Re: finalize or withdraw?
Michael Sperber 25 Aug 2005 16:47 UTC
Per Bothner <> writes:
> [I removed srfi-56 from the follow-up, since it's more
> related to srfi-68.]
> Michael Sperber wrote:
>> Per Bothner <> writes:
>>>Let me emphasize again: It is essential that open-output-file
>>>create a file using the same encoding that the rest of my
>>>environment expects. I should be able to open the file
>>>using my default editor. If I cat/type/view the file, my
>>>terminal should display the correct glyphs, and not be garbled.
>> I don't think that's possible in general;
> Why not? It's certainly what I (and I think most people)
> would expect.
Because Windows uses UTF-16 as a native encoding in the context of
some applications, UTF-8, Latin-1, or CP-something in others.
> What happens if on your German-located Windows box you write a file
> using notepad (assuming I haven't mixed up Windows editors: I mean a
> native plain-text editor) and using German letters. (I don't know if
> Windows XP now uses UTF-8; if so, dig out an old pre-Unicode Windows
> 95 box.) If you "type" this file, I would expect all the letters to
> show up in the console window, assuming you're still using the same
> German-localized Windows box.
Nope. That depends on the way you save it and on the way the console
window is configured.
For *this* application, I'd love to be back with Windows 95. Alas,
the good old day are gone.
Cheers =8-} Mike
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