| Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 11:18:44 +0900
| From: Alex Shinn <xxxxxx@gmail.com>
| Is the following a typo?
| (complex? 0/0) ==> #t
| (real? 0/0) ==> #f
| One would assume that
| (complex? x) -> (real? (real-part x))
| Moreover, since 0/0 is by definition "Not a Number" it seems natural that
| (number? 0/0) ==> #f
Thus far in SRFI-70, 0/0 is not a real number, but it is a number.
0/0 is contagious through all numerical operations (which don't signal
errors). Having it be a number allows it to be an argument to those
operations. Alternatively, an implementation could make 0/0
non-numeric and extend numeric operations to accept it or not. But
extending STRING->NUMBER and NUMBER->STRING to deal with a type other
than numbers is awkward.
0/0's contagion should make:
(real-part 0/0) ==> 0/0
(imag-part 0/0) ==> 0/0
(magnitude 0/0) ==> 0/0
(angle 0/0) ==> 0/0
which requires modification of the z = x1 + i x2 = x3^(i x4) rule if
0/0 is complex.
Because 0/0 is an optional feature, leaving to the implementation the
choice of values for (complex? 0/0) and (number? 0/0) complicates
portable code dealing with it. So I will change SRFI-70 so that:
(number? 0/0) ==> #t
(complex? 0/0) ==> #f