SRFI-74 reads:
> (endianness big) (syntax)
> (endianness little)
> (endianness native)
> These return
three distinct and unique objects representing an endianness.
> The native
endianness denotes the endianness of the underlying machine architecture.
I have three proposals concerning endianness:
1. Please explain *exactly* what you
mean by "little endian"---unfortunately I have seen
contradicting definitions in the past
(though most people agree on one), and also I keep
forgetting which one it is.
2. The external representation of an
endianness options is undefined. Are you sure
you want that?
3. Why is the 'native' endianness not
just either (endianness big) or (endianness little)
but *another* option value? How do I
find out about the native endianness? Do have
to write a program stuffing a blob with
data in 'native' and reading it out in 'little' or can
I just ask (eq? (endianness native)
(endianness little))?
4. While litte/big endian is the most
important distinction, the endianness issue is
more complicated: There are 4! = 24
ways to store 4 bytes in a 32-bit word and good
deal of these permutations are actually
found in silicon. Luckily, for 64 bit architectures
I haven't come across any 'strange'
permutations yet, i.e. anything that is not just a
repetition of a 32-bit endianness.
My proposal is to be more flexible by
specifying the permutation explicitly:
(endianness k0 k1 k2 k3)
integers k0, k1, k2, k3 in {0..3} specify a permutation of bytes in a 32-bit
blob of bytes (x[0] .. x[3]) represents the integer x[k3]*2^24+x[k2]*2^16+x[k1]*2^8+x[k0].
permutation (endianness 0 1 2 3) is often called "little endian,"
3 2 1 0) is often called "big endian" on 32-bit architectures,
(endianness 1 0 3 2) is often called "big endian" on 16-bit architectures.
Even more flexible, but also more complex,
is the following idea: You specify a
permutation by permuting the first few
integers, i.e. {0..n-1} for n in {2,4,8}, and then
repeat this permutation on any block
of n bytes. This comes down to the following:
(endianness k[0] .. k[n-1])
that a blob of bytes (x[0] x[1] ..) is interpreted as a blob of n-byte
by the relation (implicitly padding x with 0):
y[i] = Sum(x[i*n + k[j]]*256^j : j in {0..n-1}].
This definition allows specifying endianness
for 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-, and whatever
architectures as long as it is based
on bytes (= 8 bit). The three most frequent
cases can (and should) of course be
treated specially.