Re: the "Unicode Background" section
Alex Shinn 22 Jul 2005 05:41 UTC
On 7/22/05, Thomas Lord <> wrote:
> At Thu, 21 Jul 2005 15:45:34 -0700, Thomas Lord wrote:
> >> If CHARs are codepoints, more basic Unicode algorithms translate
> >> into Scheme cleanly.
> > I don't see what you mean. Can you provide an example?
> How about: Emitting a UTF-16 encoded stream of the contents
> of a string? Doesn't that sound like an application for
> WRITE-CHAR? Or is that the kind of thing one shouldn't
> be able to do in portable Scheme?
How can you use WRITE-CHAR to implement an encoding routine? WRITE-CHAR
is already going to have it's own encoding semantics. You need a binary
I/O facility like WRITE-BYTE or WRITE-BINARY-UINT16 to implement your own
encoding procedures.