Re: Surrogates and character representation
John.Cowan 27 Jul 2005 16:16 UTC
William D Clinger scripsit:
> Per Bothner wrote:
> > Random accesses to a position in a string that has not
> > been previously accessed is not in itself useful.
> Untrue. The Boyer-Moore algorithm for fast string
> searching uses random accesses to positions that have
> not been previously accessed [1].
Another use case, archaic as it may seem, is still important: processing
fixed-length fields in text files.
At the end of the Metatarsal Age, the dinosaurs John Cowan
abruptly vanished. The theory that a single
catastrophic event may have been responsible
has been strengthened by the recent discovery of
a worldwide layer of whipped cream marking the
Creosote-Tutelary boundary. --Science Made Stupid