Unicode surrogates rgburger@xxxxxx (13 Mar 2006 12:11 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates Tom Emerson (13 Mar 2006 13:43 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates John Cowan (13 Mar 2006 13:56 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates Robby Findler (13 Mar 2006 14:03 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates bear (13 Mar 2006 17:04 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates Per Bothner (13 Mar 2006 17:13 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates bear (22 Mar 2006 23:52 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates Tom Emerson (13 Mar 2006 17:16 UTC)

Unicode surrogates rgburger@xxxxxx 13 Mar 2006 12:11 UTC

The 2005/07/21 draft disallows surrogate code points, namely those between
#xD800 and #xDFFF inclusive.  In Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and later, the
file system and registry use UTF-16LE for encoding names.  They allow bare
surrogate code points.  For example, I can create a file called
"\uD802.ss" in Windows.  How would I be able to open this file in Scheme
with the given proposal?

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