Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 12:55:34 -0400
From: John Cowan <>
Sebastian Egner scripsit:
> One could start with a SRFI for immutable strings as an add-on
> library---in the hope that the Scheme community will pick it up
> as the primary string type in the distant future.
Actually, getting immutable strings into R6RS would be trivial in
terms of the document: simply replace the sentence
String-set! stores CHAR in element K of STRING and returns an
unspecified value.
in 6.3.5 with the following:
String-set! returns a string whose elements the same (in the
sense of eqv?) as those in STRING, with the exception of element
K, which is instead the same as CHAR. String-set! may or may
not return a string which is the same as STRING, but must not
side-effect STRING.
(I think you probably meant to strike the exclamation mark from the
name.) My alternative string API almost provides this anyway, by the
way, under the name STRING-DISPLACE:
(STRING-SET string cursor char)
(STRING-DISPLACE string cursor (STRING-CURSOR+ cursor string) char).