Re: Issues with Unicode John Cowan 27 Apr 2006 17:38 UTC

Taylor R. Campbell scripsit:

>            String-set! returns a string whose elements the same (in the
>            sense of eqv?) as those in STRING, with the exception of element
>            K, which is instead the same as CHAR.  String-set! may or may
>            not return a string which is the same as STRING, but must not
>            side-effect STRING.
> (I think you probably meant to strike the exclamation mark from the
> name.)

Yes.  Alternatively, the ! could be kept in the sense of SRFI-1, and then
the "must not" would be changed to "may or may not".  This would provide
immutable strings as an implementation option.

Mos Eisley spaceport.  You will never           John Cowan
see a more wretched hive of scum and  
villainy -- unless you watch the      
Jerry Springer Show.