Re: on waste-of-time arguments....
John.Cowan 20 Jul 2005 04:42 UTC
Thomas Bushnell BSG scripsit:
> We do not have the experience to know whether Vietnamese users want
> diacritic-folding in symbol names. We should not presume to dictate
> in a standard how that will go until we know the right answer.
What makes you think there's a "right answer"? Why can't two or more
different groups disagree? We already have disagreement, as indicated
by the various R5RS implementations, as to whether case-folding in ASCII
identifiers is the right thing or not.
(I say "two or more" because there are two kinds of diacritics in
Vietnamese, those that mark tone and those that distinguish separate
vowels. The former are thought of as diacritics, the latter as part
of the vowel letter, just as the dots in ä (a-diaeresis) and ö
(o-diaeresis) are in Swedish -- but not German.)
For that matter, I note that while the non-normative section 2.1 of
R5RS says:
The precise rules for forming identifiers vary among
implementations of Scheme, but in all implementations a sequence
of letters, digits, and "extended alphabetic characters"
that begins with a character that cannot begin a number is an
identifier. In addition, +, -, and ... are identifiers.
the formal syntax in 7.1 prescribes a fixed syntax for identifiers that
does not permit any such "extended alphabetic characters."
Evolutionary psychology is the theory John Cowan
that men are nothing but horn-dogs,
and that women only want them for their money.
--Susan McCarthy (adapted)