John.Cowan wrote:
> I think this SRFI should have char-titlecase and string-titlecase
> functions. The former maps a lowercase or uppercase character into
> its titlecase equivalent, and leaves all other characters alone.
> The latter titlecases its first character and lowercases all the rest;
> it's trivial to define string-titlecase given char-titlecase, but it's
> IMHO worth having for symmetry.
String-titlecase is part of SRFI 13, although with different semantics
from what you describe. For example:
(string-titlecase "--capitalize tHIS sentence.") =>
"--Capitalize This Sentence."
string-titlecase s [start end] -> string
string-titlecase! s [start end] -> unspecified
"For every character c in the selected range of s, if c is preceded by a
cased character, it is downcased; otherwise it is titlecased."