Does this change identifiers (variables) or only symbols? Keith Wright (21 Jul 2005 07:41 UTC)
Re: Does this change identifiers (variables) or only symbols? bear (21 Jul 2005 08:56 UTC)

Re: Does this change identifiers (variables) or only symbols? bear 21 Jul 2005 08:56 UTC

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, Keith Wright wrote:

>In a message called "the discussion so far"
>of 2005-07-16, 06:41:51 -0600
>Matthew Flatt writes:
>> For an R6RS definition of "character", I think the editors would
>> like to include most things that people wish to write within an
>> identifier or string constant.
>This seems to imply that srfi-75 is meant to change the syntax
>of identifiers.  I am confused on that point.  The word "identifier"
>does not occur in the text of the srfi, and the word "variable"
>occurs only in the hyphenated combinations "variable-width" and
>"variable-length".  (Are those the same?)

When scheme code is read as data, variable names are read
as symbols.  To change the syntax of symbols without also
changing the syntax of variable names is not sensible
in the context of a lispy language.
