On Thu, 5 Jan 2006, Michael Sperber wrote:
> Andre van Tonder <xxxxxx@now.het.brown.edu> writes:
>> so it would have to be eqv?-cyclic, but the spec does not
>> guarantee that
>> (let ((f (lambda () (construct ...))))
>> (eqv? (f) (f))) => #f
>> for /immutable/ records, which I think would be required for
>> such cyclic graphs.
> I'm not sure what exactly you mean here---do you mean that
> EQV?-*distinctness* would be required to traverse the graph in finite
> time?
In the absence of the above guarantee, I see no way of
constructing distinct nodes with the same content.
>> - I would not like to artificially declare an immutable record as
>> mutable just so I can use it in a cyclic graph.
> That's a very good point (one that Richard Kelsey had also reminded me
> of earlier). The problem is, of course, that mutability happens at
> the type level rather than the object level. (A general problem with
> this class of record systems---too much stuff happens at the type
> level.)
> That unboxing should be supported at *some* level language seems quite
> clear to me, as this enables setting up certain kinds of abstraction
> barriers. That it should happen at the level of records is less clear
> to me, but we don't have any other place currently.
Understood. Is there a good reason to conflate eq?-behaviour with
field mutability, though.
To me field mutability seems to be an unnatural way of declaring eq?-
behaviour. It seems arbitrary to me to have to
choose an arbitrary field in an immutable structure and make it mutable
just so that I can use it in a graph. Which field do I choose, and
won't this confuse the reader of the program?
Also, how would one make a graph, with a specified shape, with nodes
belonging to a variant type, each variant declared as a record with
no fields, without further boxing?
Conceivably, an extra property in the record declaration could
specify or override the behaviour under equivalence. Maybe
something like
which would guarantee that a record remain boxed, even if it is