Is a syntax such as (update my-record-type my-record (x 3) (y 4)) possible?
Andrew Wilcox 13 Dec 2005 02:01 UTC
> Should the operations for access and mutation be augmented
> by functional update?
I think functional programming will become increasing important (see e.g.
A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
> If any of these are added, what should the syntax in the syntactic
> layers look like?
I don't understand enough about the capabilities of macros to know
what is possible. For example, could we have a syntax such as:
(update <record name> record-expr (<field name> expr) ...)
where <record name> and <field name>'s must be identifiers,
record-expr must evaluate to a record of type or a subtype of <record
name>, and UPDATE expands into code which will efficiently return a
new record of the type of record-expr (the subtype) copying all fields
except for <field name>'s which are given the new values?
For example,
(define-type (position make-position position?) (x y)
(fields (x immutable x)
(y immutable y)))
(define-type (thing make-thing thing?) (x y color)
(parent position x y)
(fields (color immutable color)))
(define t1 (make-thing 3.4 5.8 'green))
(define t2 (update position t1 (y 18)))
(define t3 (update thing t1 (x 10) (color 'red)))
(position-x t1) => 3.4
(position-y t1) => 5.8
(thing-color t1) => green
(position-x t2) => 3.4
(position-y t2) => 18
(thing-color t2) => green
(position-x t3) => 10
(position-y t3) => 5.8
(thing-color t3) => red