Re: Revised SRFI-76 (R6RS Records) draft
Taylor Campbell 02 Jan 2006 16:28 UTC
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 08:53:59 -0600 (CST)
From: Donovan Kolbly <>
- The syntactic form has been renamed to DEFINE-RECORD-TYPE, with
other renames in its wake.
I think this is a very bad idea. I will never use this SRFI, for its
excessive & unnecessary overcomplexity & overengineering, but it would
be very annoying for it to break all code that uses SRFI 9 by usurping
the name DEFINE-RECORD-TYPE. I'd suggest DEFINE-RECORD-TYPE* (though
I already use my own (very much simpler) macro called that),
DEFINE-COMPLEX-RECORD-TYPE, or something along those lines.