I have a few questions regarding the eq?-issue:
- Can one construct/traverse an eq?-cyclic or eqv?-cyclic graph of
immutable record nodes?
According to the spec, it seems that an eq? cyclic graph of
immutable nodes cannot be constructed, so it would have to be
eqv?-cyclic, but the spec does not guarantee that
(let ((f (lambda () (construct ...))))
(eqv? (f) (f))) => #f
for /immutable/ records, which I think would be required for
such cyclic graphs.
- I would not like to artificially declare an immutable record as
mutable just so I can use it in a cyclic graph.
- A problem with treating mutable and immutable differently is that
mutable might easily become immutable in the process of development
if a field is dropped or changed - suddenly a program may break in
places that are difficut to debug.
- Another problem is that programs that use eq?/eqv? incorrectly will
mostly work on some Schemes, only to fail, and then mysteriously
depending on compiler switches and type inference controlling unboxing,
on others.