Questions about srfi-77 Generic Arithmetic Bradley Lucier (05 Feb 2006 20:36 UTC)
Re: Questions about srfi-77 Generic Arithmetic Michael Sperber (10 Feb 2006 18:08 UTC)
div and mod. bear (22 Feb 2006 10:00 UTC)
Re: div and mod. Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk (19 Mar 2006 19:51 UTC)

Re: div and mod. Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk 19 Mar 2006 19:51 UTC

bear <> writes:

> For what it's worth, here is the behavior that I as a programmer
> expect from Div and Mod.
> I expect mod always to return a number between zero inclusive and the
> modulus exclusive.

I agree. Haskell has two pairs of functions, where functions in each
pair are consistent with each other in the obvious way:

quot & rem - quot is rounded towards zero,
             the sign of rem is the sign of the dividend

div  & mod - div is rounded towards negative infinity,
             the sign of mod is the sign of the divisor

(Plus quotRem and divMod which compute both together.)

           | quot rem div  mod
  123   10 |  12   3   12   3
 -123   10 | -12  -3  -13   7
  123  -10 | -12   3  -13  -7
 -123  -10 |  12  -3   12  -3

Both are primarily used with a positive divisor, in which case they
agree on non-negative dividends and provide two most common variants
on negative dividends.

The div & mod variant is more regular mathematically. When the divisor
is a power of 2, it corresponds to bit shifts and masks. Knuth warns
about programming languages which understand div & mod differently than
this way.

The quot & rem variant is consistent with Intel processors and C99,
absolute values of results are determined by absolute values of

The GMP library provides the above two families plus a yet another one,
rounding towards positive infinity.

I dislike using an entirely different variant when the divisor is
negative. If the variant with rounding to nearest is worth providing,
it should be a separate pair of functions. It's not clear how to
break ties: there are various subvariants possible.

   __("<         Marcin Kowalczyk