I'm posting this merely for the sake of offering another opinion on
legibility; I don't think that any syntax changes in this area are
good, because they can break existing and compliant R5RS code. For
instance, I've seen this naming convention somewhere: FOO has to do
with an exclusive interval, FOO: with an interval exclusive on the
lower bound and exclusive on the upper bound, :FOO with an interval
inclusive on the lower bound and exclusive on the upper bound, and
:FOO: with an inclusive interval. For another example, SRFI 42 would
break if the meaning of a colon prefix were changed in Scheme's
lexical identifier syntax, although if any extension were to be made
I'd prefer the colon prefix.
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 17:18:17 -0400
From: Marc Feeley <xxxxxx@iro.umontreal.ca>
I find colon at the end to be more natural since it closely
corresponds to the use of colon in English (and many other natural
English has a few differences, though, most prominent among them that
there is other punctuation separating the pairs. Compare:
foo: bar, baz: quux, zot: mumble or
foo: bar; baz: quux; zot: mumble with
foo: bar baz: quux zot: mumble
In the last one I find it hard to tell where one pair ends and the
next one begins. On the other hand, with a prefix, the delimitation
of the pairs is very clear:
:foo bar :baz quux :zot mumble
1) I prefer prefix syntax, e.g. (button :text "OK" :action quit)
2) I prefer suffix syntax, e.g. (button text: "OK" action: quit)
3) I don't care
I opt for (1).