Re: Two minor corrections
Aubrey Jaffer 06 Nov 2006 18:34 UTC
| From: Abdulaziz Ghuloum <>
| Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 07:21:32 -0400
| The first paragraph of "Specification" states:
| These procedures are stable when called with predicates which
| return #f when applied to identical arguments. These procedures
| have asymptotic time and space needs no larger than O(N*log(N)),
| where N is the sum of the lengths of the sequence arguments.
| Instead of "These", you probably meant to say "The sort and sort!"
| since the two statements above do not apply to the other three
| procedures. And since these procedures take only one sequence, the
| above should say "where N is the length of the sequence".
I have expanded this to give limits for the individual functions in
the new version. Are the merge asymptotics right?
| Also, the description of merge! states:
| The first pair of the result will be either the first pair of
| list1 or the first pair of list2.
| Since either/both of list1 and list2 may be empty (nonpair), the
| above may be worded as "the result will be eq? to either list1 or
| list2".
Done in the new version; thanks.