Re: Why reference SRFI's at all
Michael Sperber 24 Apr 2008 06:51 UTC
"Geoffrey Teale" <> writes:
> I have one simple question. If you step back from this process, and you
> think about someone coming to scheme for the first time, what value is there
> in naming a library after the order that someone thought of the idea?
> Please take the following in the good humour it is intended - I don't want
> to start a flame war, just make a point.
Essentially for the same reason that RFCs are numbered: So that the
names for libraries can be chosen simply and without conflict.
Remember that SRFIs are primarily documents, not libraries. They are
also not a comprehensive set of libraries, but a community process.
David's proposing a naming scheme that includes a mnemonic description
of what the library is about: that seems like a step in the right
However, if you think think there's a way that allows choosing library
names that are:
- robust (i.e. don't need to be changed after they're picked)
- unique over time
- more intuitive than the SRFI numbers
... then I urge you to write it down and submit it. Me personally, I'd
rather have dumb numbers where I know they're dumb, rather than more
intuitive names chosen creatively to be unique. (Which is the one I
want? PerlIO::gzip or Tie::Gzip, java.nio or
If you want to take this further, you should probably follow up on
Cheers =8-} Mike
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