Consider a different define-record-type syntax
Derick Eddington 11 Aug 2008 07:07 UTC
It is inconsistent that define-record-type provides succinct <field
spec> which automatically make names for the accessor and mutator but it
requires (annoyingly, not succinctly) using, and remembering to use, #t
#t to get it to automatically make names for the constructor and
predicate. I imagine it's like that to be compatible with SRFI-9, but
how important is that compatibility, i.e., how much will that
compatibility be used into the longer-term future? I'd much rather have
define-record-type's syntax be:
<record type definition>
-> (define-record-type <type spec>
<field spec> ...)
<type spec> -> <type name>
-> (<type name> <parent>)
-> (<type name> <parent> <constructor spec> <predicate spec>)
The first two <type spec> do automatic naming for the constructor and
predicate. The last uses <constructor spec> and <predicate spec> the
same as the current draft describes.
: Derick