Starting today, I'm putting into effect a new anti-spam measure on the SRFI mailing lists, and I want to make sure that existing subscribers know about it.

Before this change, in order to send a message to a numbered SRFI mailing list or to srfi-discuss, the sender had to be a subscriber to that list.  That's not changing.  Until now, any time a non-subscriber sent a message to one of those lists, it was held for review by me.

Having now operated the lists for almost 1.5 years, I've observed this pattern: actual SRFI discussion participants almost never send a message without being subscribers.  On the other hand, I typically manually review and reject three to five messages a day that are sent by spammers.  Furthermore, almost every spam message we receive is a phishing attempt, not just spam.


So here's the change: starting now, messages sent by non-subscribers (or from non-subscribed addresses) will not be reviewed promptly, and may be deleted without any review.

Non-subscribers will still be able to send to srfi-editors.  Also, as before, only editors (me) will be able to send to srfi-announce.

— SRFI Editor