On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 7:54 AM Ciprian Dorin Craciun <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

* in order to identify that `make-array` is actually a procedure
definition, we have to look for an element that has the class
`h-proc-def`, which should contain (somewhere not necessarily in
direct children) an element with the class `p-name` whose attribute is
the actual "name" of the procedure;  just trying to think about
expressing this in code, especially with XML libraries or XSLT scares
me...  (for a second try just try to imagine how the code to extract
arguments looks like;)

I thought that's what the microformat interpreters were supposed to do.
* it provides too much overhead:  it has too much duplication, the
`make-array` token appears twice;

* it fails to capture all signature elements:  what is the output of
the procedure?  what are the types of various arguments?

Argument type information is either in the prose or in the names of the formal
arguments.  Output types appear in a few SRFIs but in the great
majority of cases only in the prose.  You will not get this kind of
blood from those stones without far more work than anyone is likely to do.
John Cowan          http://vrici.lojban.org/~cowan        xxxxxx@ccil.org
Where the wombat has walked, it will inevitably walk again.
   (even through brick walls!)