If you write an implementation for R7RS it will be easily integrated into snow-fort.org, where any R7RS implementation can easily use it.

I wouldn't worry about the random-access facility.  It doesn't make sense for tarballs anyway, only for zipfiles.

On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 12:29 PM Lassi Kortela <xxxxxx@lassi.io> wrote:
> Thanks for the detailed proposal and research.  I'd be happy to publish
> SRFIs for any or all of these.

Thank you.

Any Scheme implementers reading this and want to volunteer your
implementation to use as a testbed?

I'll do Chez anyway. With Göran's approval, I plan to adapt his
<https://github.com/weinholt/compression> library so that it provides
the interface laid out in the new SRFIs. Since he wrote that library in
pure Scheme I assume Chez is fast enough that we don't need libarchive.

But I'd also like to write libarchive bindings for another
implementation with a C FFI as long as the bindings will be incorporated
into that implementation's base distribution or some package collection
from which people can easily use them (so that the work becomes useful
for real work instead of just being an academic exercise). I've been
using Chibi lately but whoever is most eager to collaborate, I'll do it
for your implementation.

Collaboration and feedback on all of the above is welcome.