Le sam. 20 avr. 2019 à 14:10, Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen <xxxxxx@nieper-wisskirchen.de> a écrit :
Am Sa., 20. Apr. 2019 um 13:53 Uhr schrieb Amirouche Boubekki
> Hello all,
> I have three requests to make that are somewhat related but could be dealt separately:
> Is it possible to setup Continuous Integration at http://travis-ci.com/ for SRFI repositories or another service that possibly support windows and other platforms. As far as know there is no service offering free CI for windows platform. I read there is an experimental CI server at https://github.com/srfi-explorations/srfi-server maybe we can use that already?
> Is it possible to include a markdown file in the SRFI repository that will be translated to html by pandoc
> Is it possible to include a simple Makefile that will allow:
> Translate markdown to html via pandoc
> Run SRFI tests against various scheme implementations

Whatever is planned, I think it is very important to choose
technologies that are not tied to GitHub but that work with other Git
providers at least as well. GitHub is not free software, and we don't
want to have a vendor lock-in.

I agree. That is why I propose to put the build / test logic inside a Makefile.

FWIW, nowdays my go to solution for git hosting is https://man.sr.ht
it has a Continuous Integration that is modern (unlike travis that is stuck
with ubuntu 16.04) and is also free software.