Le sam. 20 avr. 2019 à 14:38, Lassi Kortela <xxxxxx@lassi.io> a écrit :
> FWIW, nowdays my go to solution for git hosting is https://man.sr.ht
> it has a Continuous Integration that is modern (unlike travis that is stuck
> with ubuntu 16.04) and is also free software.

That's interesting. I hear GitLab also has built-in CI of some kind.
GitHub doesn't have one AFAIK. Have you used one of those built-in CI
solutions - how easy is it to set up for a new repo?

I did not try to setup CI on gitlab. Using sr.ht aka source hut one has
to push a .build.yml file in the repository which is discovered by the platform
which triggers a build when a push is done e.g. https://git.sr.ht/~amz3/azul/tree/master/.build.yml
Here is also the output of the build https://builds.sr.ht/~amz3/job/55428

One thing to take into account when considering source hut as git hosting
platform is that it doesn't support, as of yet, merge requests in the web interface.
It doesn't have a web interface for doing review. sr.ht is meant to be
used with mail-based workflows and see https://git-send-email.io/
To support that workflow it provides a mailing list feature https://lists.sr.ht/
It also has bug tracker https://todo.sr.ht/

Easiest would be if we can just put a file like `.travis.yml` in the
repo and then it would perform CI automatically

That is how source hut works and that is how I think gitlab ci works too.

(or push a button in the repo settings - something like that).

IIRC sr.ht allows to trigger builds from the interface and prolly gitlab has
the same feature.
The problem with Travis is, we'd first have to make each SRFI repo in
GitHub as we now do, and _also_ separately add that repo in the Travis
control panel. Travis doesn't automatically fetch new repos from GitHub.
There may be APIs or settings to do this stuff, I don't know.

It is clear that travis is not the perfect solution.
I also don't know how committed we are to GitHub in the near future.
Arthur has the final say and the best background to answer that.
