Le sam. 20 avr. 2019 à 15:05, Lassi Kortela <xxxxxx@lassi.io> a écrit :
Thanks, those are very helpful links!

> I did not try to setup CI on gitlab. Using sr.ht <http://sr.ht> aka
> source hut one has
> to push a .build.yml file in the repository which is discovered by the
> platform
> which triggers a build when a push is done e.g.
> https://git.sr.ht/~amz3/azul/tree/master/.build.yml
> Here is also the output of the build https://builds.sr.ht/~amz3/job/55428

Great, this looks like a nearly optimal solution to me :) It could
hardly be easier.

If the CI job of an individual SRFI passes, we'd still have to think of
some way to aggregate all those valid SRFIs into one place.

It seems like, source hut support such a feature where all builds of given
account can be aggregated and searched see:

This could be done if the CI job sends a notification to a webhook that collects
the new version of the SRFI.

Regarding this, there is dispatch https://man.sr.ht/dispatch.sr.ht/
Last time we discussed this, Arthur's preferred workflow would be just
to mass "git pull" all SRFI repos onto his personal computer and then
run a local script to generate a "srfi-all.tar.gz" with the newest
versions all of SRFIs. On GitHub the mass "git pull" takes about 1-3
minutes and apparently they allow you to do it (there may be some
throttling of the network traffic but no-one has yet been banned or
contacted over it).

pulling and pushing to source hut is much slower than github or gitlab
but that could be automated using source hut dispatch and build services.

Another thing to take into account is that the sr.ht instance is a paid service.