Unless you are especially enthusiastic, I'd rather have you work on any or all of LogisticRiastradh (mostly just pulling together code from MIT Scheme using the links there), NumberStringUnicode (trivial, just number->string, string->number, and digit-value), and/or NanMedernach (easy on top of (rnrs bytevectors); there is a portable implementation in the SRFI 4 config directory called (r6rs bytevectors)).  There's no pre-SRFI for LogisticRiastradh, just a list of what procedures must, should, and may be exported depending on what you think makes sense.

Arvydas is working on CompoundObjectsCowan, and Dictionaries will be next.  I am hopefully going to get a chance to finish SRFI 178 and do IntegerSetsCowan and myself.  MoreGenerators is not yet closed, so premature to implement it.

And that's the whole Orange Docket!

On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 9:27 PM Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe <xxxxxx@sigwinch.xyz> wrote:
On 2020-07-06 16:20 -0400, John Cowan wrote:
> WP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skip_list
> CL version (doesn't use anything very clever, and I am willing to advise on
> interpreting CL):
> https://github.com/kraison/cl-skip-list/blob/master/skip-list.lisp

I'd be happy to, though I'd defer to (or work with) anyone already
well-versed in skip list lore.  I'm not familiar with the literature
on the structure, and would like to read Pugh's paper, in particular,
before starting on a SRFI document.


Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe  <xxxxxx@sigwinch.xyz>

"Never do programs contain so few bugs as when no debugging tools
are available." --Niklaus Wirth